all sports crew, people who like outdoor sports and working on crazy projects, film, photo.... the ALPINE LiFe LiNeS CREW a 100% handmade, - everything is self-made by the A.L.L.Crew members/riders, if you would like to join, work with us or got any other ideas. we would be stoked, if you contact us.
Montag, 9. Dezember 2013
Awesome start in the 2014 Powder season...
Autumn/ Fall - Karwendl ( Austria )
.....first runs in Hintertux (glacier) with our friends.
yeahh buddy!
-taking some photos at night...
Mayrhofen - Zillertal (Austria) by night
one of our shots of xaver is already published by Dynastar
Tobias Hagn enjoying the first deep pow of the season (November)
Xaver Kröll
(c) by A.L.L.C. / Seeberg
we also found a very useful and free App for your safety:
Sonntag, 2. Juni 2013
Dienstag, 5. März 2013
Freeride World Qualifier Goldeck 2013
Freeride World Qualifier Goldeck 2013
Bei guten Schneebedingungen und sommerlichen Temperaturen fand von 1.-3. März der 1. Big Mountain in Kärnten am Goldeck statt. 65 Läufer und Läuferinnen aus 10 Nationen nahmen an dem Contest teil, um den sogenannten "Steilhang" zu bezwingen.
With good snow conditions and summer like temperatures the 1st Big Mountain Contest took place in Carinthia Goldeck from March, 1st until March, 3rd 2013. 65 riders from 10 nations took part in the contest to conquer the so called "steep slope".
Xaver Kröll
ging mit Startnummer 54 an den Start
got the number 54
Vorgenomme line
intended line
Contest run 8th place
Dienstag, 12. Februar 2013
Sunday Nightsession
Sunday Nightsession
Spontan entschieden wir uns Sonntag Abend mit 2 Generatoren und unserer handgemachten Flutlichtanlage eine Powder Nachtsession einzulegen.
On sunday night we´ve spontaneously decided to go out with our 2 generators and our handmade floodlights system, to have a powder nightsession.
Thanks to the crew
Martl Mogga
Fabi Tobi
Xav Wexl
Fabi Christoph
Montag, 28. Januar 2013
Lib Tech Outerwear 2012/13
Tobi and his NAS - Lib Tech 2012/13
New Video online!
Tobias Hagn - A.L.L.C. - Full Movie Part - HANDMADE from A.L.L.C. on Vimeo.

This is Tobi´s full movie part of our coreproject
thanks to:
see you at ISPO/ Munich....
Samstag, 26. Januar 2013
Moment Skis the new outerwear of 2012/2013
The new Freeride Ski Collection
'For more information:
Freitag, 25. Januar 2013
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